Alameda Advocates Celebrate Clement Bike Heaven - Streetsblog San Francisco

"The Clement Ave project from Grand to Broadway is another piece of the puzzle that will create an amazing CAT," wrote Walk Bike Alameda's Lucy Gigli in a 2019 email to Streetsblog about the project when it was still winding its way through the approval process.
"Excessive speeds, challenging crossings for pedestrians and a lack of bicycle facilities cause safety concerns along this segment of Clement Avenue."
"The CAT is envisioned to be a walking and biking trail for everyone of all abilities. It will stretch from the east end of the island all the way to the west end new ferry terminal (over four miles - protected)."
"Clement Avenue is the main thoroughfare in the Northern Waterfront area and is a gateway to Oakland, Fruitvale BART and beyond."
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