Letters: Fremont City Council votes to make vulnerable suffer

The article reflects on the recent Fremont City Council vote that criminalizes homelessness, showcasing the troubling rationale among community members who prioritize discomfort over compassion. An advocate highlighted that many unhoused individuals are long-term residents of Fremont. The piece underscores a disturbing trend where economic interests overshadow the need for humane treatment of vulnerable populations. The second part addresses PG&E's profit report, correcting the perception that shareholders are benefiting when in fact dividends have drastically reduced and profits do not equate to shareholder wealth.
I attended the Fremont City Council meeting where the council voted to criminalize homelessness, and I left appalled not just by the decision but with how my neighbors justified it.
Commerce won out over compassion, and the most vulnerable members of our community will suffer for it.
For decades, PG&E has paid dividends of 43 cents to 50 cents per share. They stopped paying any dividends in 2019 due to huge fines.
Read at www.mercurynews.com