Wiener Introduces Legislation to Speed-Up Permitting for Major Transit Projects - Including High Speed Rail - Streetsblog California

Senator Scott Wiener has introduced two pieces of legislation aimed at facilitating public transportation projects in California. SB 71 seeks to enhance the environmental review process for infrastructure projects that promote reduced car dependency. Meanwhile, SB 445 addresses longstanding issues of cost overruns and delays by enforcing deadlines on local entities to comply with permitting. This legislation allows transit agencies to begin construction if permits are not granted within the set timeframe. It aims to particularly benefit the high-profile California High Speed Rail project, which has faced scrutiny due to permitting delays and budget excesses.
"SB 445 addresses that by imposing deadlines on local governments, special districts, telecommunications companies, and public and private utilities to comply with the permitting process."
"If the transit agency doesn't get those permits because of these delays, they are empowered to just begin construction."
"The California High-Speed Rail Office of the Inspector General (OIG) identified coordinating on permits with third parties as a 'top risk' to the overall schedule in a report issued earlier this month."
"For decades, some transit projects have experienced cost overruns and months or even years-long delays."
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