Q Bar returns along with 'Booty Call Wednesdays'-and Castro heals a bit more

"The number of Wednesdays I've forgotten here in this cave of a bar is astronomical," San Francisco drag icon Katya Smirnoff-Skyy told me as she hovered near the door. "But I don't drink like I used to." She added that the old energy is there in the new party, but the faces are new. "I sometimes like to call this sea of humanity the faces of Grindr," Smirnoff-Skyy said with a smirk, then gestured toward the packed dance floor, "Q Bar really is a cavern of delights for all ages over 21, with a mild air conditioning system, and strong drinks."
It's my first time in the newly-refurbished space, and there's lots to see. On the left wall is the bar, a holdover from the old space with rainbow lights along the wall, a TV, liquor and taps behind busy bartenders placed every 6 feet or so. The club was packed and several bar lines formed across the small dance floor.
With dreaded Thanksgiving family time hanging in the air, Juanita More provided space to drink ourselves stupid with Booty Call Wednesdays, an OG party with drinks, sweaty bodies, and a high-end photo booth run by Cabure Bonugli and other queer nightlife photographers. It's a simple setup that was insanely popular in the 2000s and 2010s - enough to charge a $10 cover on a weekday just to peer inside last week. And the small space was packed to the gills.
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