A baby monkey went viral after she was found during a traffic stop. The full story isn't so cute

On New Year’s Eve in Madera County, California, law enforcement discovered a baby spider monkey in a Rolls-Royce during a traffic stop involving a suspected DUI. While the incident amused many online, it highlights the serious issue of wildlife trafficking, the third largest illicit trade globally. A significant increase in wildlife trafficking, particularly in California, has been reported, with a 150% rise from 2018 to 2021. The aftermath for trafficked animals is often traumatic and damaging, given their social needs and the brutal reality of their trade.
The baby monkey was the victim of wildlife trafficking - and “victim” is truly the correct word here.
For these highly intelligent animals that live in complicated social structures, the severe emotional and behavioral trauma from what's happened will haunt them all their lives.
A 2023 report by Moody's Analytics estimated that between 2018 to 2021, the frequency of wildlife trafficking increased by over 150% globally.
The wildlife trade is a brutal industry that takes many forms and has its tendrils in some unexpected places.
Read at The Oaklandside