Akka Innovations: Multi-Cloud, Edge, and Security Enhancements | @lightbend

We have promised to continue investing in Akka and pushing the envelope even further. Building on the foundation we have created over the previous 15 years, our main theme has been extending Akka's capabilities to the full cloud-to-edge continuum, focusing on multi-region, multi-cloud, and edge support. This transition also involves addressing security and building zero trust systems as we decentralize data processing.
In the quest to meet customers where they are and their increasing demands on low latency, resilience, and data mobility, companies are inevitably forced toward global multi-region and multi-cloud deployments. The new features in Akka are targeted toward tackling these challenges, exploiting its inherent opportunities, and laying the foundation for building inherently decentralized, highly performant, resilient, elastic, and scalable applications.
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