Recap of Advent of Code 2024

At the Scala Center, we love writing code in Scala, and we hope you do too. One of our core priorities is to communicate excitement about Scala, which motivates us to participate in the Advent of Code and share experiences solving problems with Scala with the wider programming community.
We had 281 solutions submitted to the website this year, increased from 237 last year and 164 the year before, with many first time contributors.
This year, we had dozens of people engaging in lively conversation in the #advent-of-code channel on the Scala Discord server. Thank you to everyone who shared their code and/or helped each other come up with the best solutions.
As usual, we reached out to the community to help write the daily articles that show well-coded, well-explained solutions. The community organized a posting schedule which led to 24 completed articles.
Read at Scala-lang