testing the fish shell

After testing the Fish shell for two months, the user appreciates its modern programming foundation in Rust and features like autocompletion and prompt customization. While Fish stands out for surviving heavy use beyond zsh, and it shows resilience against command vulnerabilities, the user notes some latency in prompt creation and a lack of support for POSIX-style functions. These aspects may influence their decision to continue using Fish, while it remains a viable alternative to their usual bash shell.
Current directory gets shortened, ~/wikis/anarc.at/software/desktop/wayland shows up as ~/w/a/s/d/wayland.
Autocompletion rocks. Default prompt rocks. Doesn't seem vulnerable to command injection assaults, at least it doesn't trip on the git-landmine.
Fish is the first shell that survived heavy use outside of zsh, impressive due to its port to Rust and modern programming.
I feel there's visible latency in the prompt creation. POSIX-style functions are unsupported, which changes how commands are defined.
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