Mile-wide volcano set to erupt off the West Coast this year

Axial Seamount, an underwater volcano off the Oregon coast, is displaying signs of increased activity, including swelling and rumbling, suggesting a possible eruption by 2025. Despite this, scientists like Mike Poland emphasize that it poses little hazard due to its monitored nature and non-explosive eruption style, comparing its future eruption to that of Hawaiian lava flows. Bill Chadwick notes the volcano's history of eruptions, highlighting its status as the most active in the Pacific Northwest, making it a focus for ongoing research and observation.
This particular volcano is probably the best-monitored submarine volcano in the world, it's fascinating and doesn't really pose a hazard.
When Axial Seamount erupts, it'll look a lot like a Hawaiian lava flow eruption; it's not an explosive eruption, but calm effusions of lava.
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