Is "Suits LA" a Legal Drama or Family Drama?

Suits LA, initially expected to be a fast-paced legal drama, shifts its focus to the emotional complexities of father-son relationships. Through its characters, the show highlights how the trauma of absent or disengaged fathers impacts personal and professional lives. Instead of delving into legal strategy, it creates a narrative centered around psychological struggles and validation through achievement. This theme is supported by psychological research showing the effects of father involvement on self-esteem and emotional development, making the courtroom merely a backdrop to deeper character insights rooted in unresolved family dynamics.
Suits LA's core narrative revolves around its characters' unresolved father-son issues, highlighting the psychological baggage carried by powerful men shaped by their dads.
The show prioritizes examining father-child relationships, demonstrating how the absence or disengagement of a father figure impacts self-esteem and emotional regulation in adulthood.
Ted Black's motivations are deeply rooted in his pursuit to earn the validation of an absent father, emphasizing how unresolved paternal relationships drive professional aspirations.
The courtroom drama acts as a backdrop for exploring complex emotional themes, revealing how characters' personal traumas influence their careers and interactions within Suits LA.
Read at Psychology Today