People Are Sharing All The "Small Hills" They Would Absolutely Die On, And I Cannot Get Enough

I hated it when in school I would ask 'Can I go to the bathroom?' and the teacher would say 'Can you?' Like yes, as an adult I understand that the proper way to ask is 'may I go to the bathroom?' But why be an asshole to a third-grader who has to pee? The teachers knew exactly what the question meant.
When people say 'on accident' or 'conversate,' I can't deal. 'On accident?!?' Did you also do something 'on mistake?' [It] drives me up a wall.
Vegan leather is literally a scam. Some time ago, [it was] considered a cheaper alternative of leather, and people would buy it exactly for that: its price. You are telling me now that I am supposed to compromise on quality and pay the same price as leather for a faux leather jacket just to have a moral high ground while [companies] make zero effort to make it better? Nope.
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