PUBG Creator Thinks Players Will Initially Hate His Next Game

Brendan Greene, creator of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, unveiled his new game, Prologue: Go Wayback, emphasizing its shift towards survival over combat. Unlike PUBG, Prologue poses significant environmental challenges, seeking to elicit strong emotional reactions from players. Greene anticipates initial backlash due to the game's extreme difficulty but hopes players will eventually appreciate its complexity. With an evolving map system and a goal of reaching a weather station, the gameplay focuses on resource management in a harsh setting. Prologue's early access is anticipated soon, with ongoing development alongside future projects, including Project Artemis.
I expect a lot of people will hate it, but that's ok if it elicits a reaction--that's all I want. People didn't get [Battle Royale] at first, but then they did.
The player's goal in Prologue is to live long enough to reach a weather station that's randomly located on an 8x8 km map. But in order to do so, players need to find the right gear...
Prologue doesn't currently have a release date, but early access is expected to begin in the second quarter of this year. Players who want to take part in Prologue's play tests can find more info here.
We already have a demo on Steam, and people understand what it is. So, if it causes a reaction, fantastic.
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