Kadyrov claimed that he'd sent the electric pickup to the frontlines of Ukraine, where it has since been "performing well in combat." However, it stopped working recently, which led him to accuse Musk of remotely disabling it.
Kadyrov expressed his disappointment on Telegram, stating, "That's not a nice thing for Elon Musk to do. He gives expensive gifts from the bottom of his heart and then remotely switches them off. That's not manly."
The circumstances of how Kadyrov acquired the Cybertruck remain unclear, with Kadyrov claiming it was a gift from Musk, a statement Musk has vehemently denied.
Musk responded to the controversy surrounding the supposed gift with incredulity, saying, "Are you seriously so retarded that you think I donated a Cybertruck to a Russian general?" This clarified his stance on the matter.