An Oxfam report has highlighted the need for reparations from Western nations to former colonies, proposing a minimum of 4 trillion annually attributed to historical injustices. Additionally, it suggests that Britain consider returning looted artefacts instead of massive financial reparations. The report indicates that UK elites extracted approximately $33.8 trillion from India during the colonial period, calling for necessary reparations for the enslaved and colonized to address longstanding inequalities and economic disparities created by colonial legacies.
The report suggests Western nations should provide former colonies with at least 4 trillion annually in reparations for the injustices of colonialism and climate debt.
Britain's return of looted artefacts rather than vast reparations is proposed as a solution to address historical injustices made more pressing by Oxfam's findings.
The Oxfam report, titled 'Takers not Makers', highlights the estimated $33.8 trillion extracted from India by the wealthiest UK citizens from 1765 to 1900.
The report argues that reparations are necessary for those who were oppressed and enslaved, emphasizing the need for equity and justice in addressing colonial legacies.