The Independent focuses on vital issues such as reproductive rights and climate change, emphasizing the need for on-ground reporting. They aim to provide unbiased insights amidst critical times in US history and uphold quality journalism accessible to all without paywalls. Meanwhile, Deliveroo faced backlash for a Valentine's campaign that misled customers into thinking they received personal cards rather than marketing materials. After public criticism, they acknowledged the misstep and planned to review their marketing practices to prevent similar incidents.
Deliveroo has apologised for a Valentine's Day campaign which saw them send handwritten cards to customers ahead of the celebration.
The food delivery company sent flower discount promotions in the post with handwritten envelopes and cards addressed to My Valentine, signed off from Deliveroo.
After receiving negative feedback, Deliveroo recognised the copy on the handwritten envelopes for their promotion was misjudged.
One person on Reddit described the letter campaign as 'dastardly', highlighting the misleading nature of the promotion.