Record high modern slavery referrals shows shocking scale' of issue in UK

In 2024, the UK recorded nearly 20,000 potential victims of modern slavery, marking a 13% increase from 2023. The Home Office reported 19,125 referrals under the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), the highest since its inception in 2009. Notably, more victims reported overseas exploitation (44%) compared to in-country (43%). The most common regions for overseas exploitation were Libya, Albania, and Vietnam. While the total number of child referrals decreased slightly, men accounted for 74% of the referrals, emphasizing the pervasive nature of this issue, as highlighted by Anti-Slavery Commissioner Eleanor Lyons.
"Each number represents a person subjected to unimaginable suffering. The increase in referrals partly reflects improved awareness, it also highlights the shocking scale of modern slavery in our country."
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