Wizz Air apologises as passenger suffers 'panic attack' during flight delay

Sandra Czaranecka's flight from London to Warsaw on December 7 was delayed for 22 hours due to strong winds. Passengers were left with minimal food options, consisting only of a Balaton Bumm chocolate bar and a Marzipan stollen, significantly below daily calorie needs. While Wizz Air cited weather as the cause for the disruption, they provided snacks but little else. Czaranecka decried this treatment, arguing for basic essentials during such delays. She incurred additional expenses for hotel and food and seeks compensation for the ordeal, stating the situation was unfair and poorly managed by the airline.
They gave us a chocolate bar and then they gave us something from the trolley which was another sort of chocolate bar and that was it. Only two snacks within 24 hours. I think that's absolutely ridiculous.
It was 22 hours of absolute horror. I just don't think it's fair because even if you cancel the flight at the last minute you need to provide people with some basic essentials.
Wizz Air confirmed flights were disrupted due to adverse weather conditions and said... securing hotel accommodation for customers was more difficult than usual.
According to this airline below 'snacks' are sufficient for an adult person to sustain themselves for the entire day.
Read at www.theargus.co.uk