Zero Day Recap: Confession Booth

In Act Three, Zero Day escalates after Roger's death, focusing on Evan Green, who, after enduring torture, returns to media scrutiny on the commission's actions. George shares a poignant memory with Sheila about their son, countering the tense political landscape. During Sheila's testimony before the House Oversight Committee, she effectively confronts Richard Dreyer, exposing the hypocrisy of his and the committee's actions. While her testimony gains public support, it does little to salvage George's deteriorating reputation, as opposition mounts against him and Dreyer seeks a more powerful position.
Though Sheila's testimony resonates well with the public, there's not much anyone can do to save George's crumbling reputation.
Sheila destroys Richard Dreyer's arrogance with the nonchalance of someone swatting away an inconvenient fly.
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