Labor has successfully secured a third term in Western Australia, with the Liberal Party falling short of the 12-13% swing needed to pose a serious threat to Roger Cook's majority. Despite only 8% of the vote counted, critical Labor seats such as South Perth, Bateman, and Scarborough have been retained. Cook, who replaced Mark McGowan in 2023, emphasized the need for humility despite his party's strong position. Meanwhile, the Liberal leader Libby Mettam faced significant challenges during the campaign, battling the confident and resourceful Labor party.
Labor will govern for a third term in Western Australia, with the Liberal Party failing to attract the swing required to threaten Roger Cook's majority.
The party won 53 of 59 seats in the WA lower house during its unprecedented landslide victory in 2021 under then-premier Mark McGowan.
Cook told reporters the loss of any seat would be unacceptable. No one likes to lose in politics, he said as he vies to be returned as premier in his own right.
The current lead they have in terms of votes being narrowed, but it is clear the government has been re-elected.