As both candidates and their top surrogates crisscrossed the country in a furious bout of last-minute campaigning, the race remains in a virtual dead heat both in the head-to-head national polls and in the crucial seven battleground states that will actually decide the race for the White House.
With so much at stake in the election, that huge number [of early voters] has triggered intense speculation as to what it might that mean with both Republicans and Democrats attempting to glean information that shows their side might already have the edge as voting day nears.
In Pennsylvania, voters over the age of 65 have cast nearly half of the early ballots and registered Democrats account for about 58% of votes cast by seniors, compared with 35% for Republicans.
The giant state which stretches from New Jersey in the east to Ohio in the west is a part of the rust belt dominated by former manufacturing cities that is seen as probably the most crucial region in the election.