"Mr. Gumbel got his first chance as an announcer in the early 1970s when a boss at the NBC affiliate in Chicago told him that he wanted to broadcast a high school basketball game every Saturday. He said in an interview, 'I have this idea and I want you to take it and run with it.' We introduced our audience to a lot of guys who went on to become famous."
"In 2001, he became the first Black sportscaster in the play-by-play role during a Super Bowl, marking a significant milestone in his career and representation in sports broadcasting."
"Mr. Gumbel, who according to his IMDb profile was born on May 3, 1946, in New Orleans, said in a 2022 interview that he modeled his style on that of Pat Summerall, noting that he liked how Mr. Summerall didn't overtalk."
"At the beginning of his career, Mr. Gumbel became nervous when he was on the mic. The Channel 5 crew nicknamed him Waterfall because of how he used to sweat while he called games."