Trump Kicks Congress to the Curb, With Little Protest From Republicans

The article discusses how President Trump is operating without adhering to congressional authority, often disregarding laws and traditional checks and balances. From ignoring notifications regarding the firing of inspectors general to attempting to control federal spending, his actions have caused frustration among Democrats but received tacit approval from some Republicans. Senator John Barrasso emphasized Trump’s role as a disrupter, suggesting that his administration will continue to test the limits of congressional authority, pushing through cabinet nominees who might not have passed under regular circumstances.
Mr. Trump is also clearly embarking on a test of what he can cow a Congress under total Republican control into swallowing. Early indications are that it will be a lot.
President Trump clearly ran for office to be a disrupter, and he's going to continue to do that, said Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming.
The new administration is quickly demonstrating that it does not intend to be bound by the legal niceties or traditional checks and balances of its relationship with Congress.
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