King and Kornacki moved at lightning speed, using their fingers to flip from this state to that one, and from this country to that one. The expertise they showed and the authority they spoke with made viewers instantly experts on the voting habits of Pennsylvanians and Georgians and North Carolinians. They offered incredible insight, flipping from the current vote total, to what was left outstanding, to how it all compared to 2020 and 2016.
Nothing is more valuable for a viewer than to feel smarter after watching an analyst. That's what Kornacki and King do. They make you feel smarter, and in the know.
Speaking of that, here's what Washington Post media critic Erik Wemple wrote: 'One point about the media coverage: All three cable news networks have what I like to call 'county czars' - guys who break down all the state votes county by county... John King at CNN, encyclopedic. And there's Steve Kornacki at MSNBC, the industry standard in this category.'