Ruth Marcus, a longtime columnist at The Washington Post, resigned, citing a lack of editorial freedom following changes imposed by owner Jeff Bezos. Marcus criticized the announcement that the opinion pages would only promote views aligned with libertarian ideals, leading her to believe that trust with readers would be compromised. This resignation follows a wave of subscriber cancellations after Bezos's decisions, indicating widespread discontent with the new editorial direction. The environment eroding journalistic independence has raised concerns about bias affecting editorial integrity.
Jeff's announcement that the opinion section will henceforth not publish views that deviate from the pillars of individual liberties and free markets threatens to break the trust of readers that columnists are writing what they believe, not what the owner has deemed acceptable.
Will's decision to not run the column that I wrote respectfully dissenting from Jeff's edict underscores that the traditional freedom of columnists to select the topics they wish to address and say what they think has been dangerously eroded.