The article discusses the alarming state of the world, where traditional values like trust and morality are deteriorating, largely attributed to Donald Trump's presidency. It portrays Trump not just as a problematic figure but as a symptom of a deeper societal issue. The article highlights the reactions from political figures like Senator Chris Murphy, who call out Trump's lies and inappropriate actions. Public dissent against Trump is growing, evidenced by protests and calls to block his state visit to the UK, emphasizing the need for resistance and accountability in a disordered political climate.
It's about a world turned upside down a dark, fretful, more dangerous place where treaties and laws are no longer respected, alliances are broken, and trust is fungible.
Trump is a toxic symptom of the wider malaise. For sure, he is an extraordinarily malign, unfeeling and irresponsible man.
America's vanquished Democrats are slowly finding their voice. Connecticut senator Chris Murphy shows how it should be done.
It seems strange to talk about resistance, as if a Nazi-style wartime occupation is under way. Yet resisting Trump is what our leaders must do.