Can't wait for Red God? Play the Red Rising board game

The whole crux of Red Rising, an excellent series of grimdark sci-fi novels written by Pierce Brown, is a futuristic version of humanity that has remade itself - quite literally, via genetic modification - into color-coded castes.
Red Rising, designed by Jamey Stegmaier and Alexander Schmidt and published by Stonemaier Games in 2021, is a zippy, fiercely competitive tabletop game. Better yet, as an adaptation, it's deliciously faithful to its source material.
It’s been a few years’ worth of a dry spell for Red Rising fans, who may be more accustomed to a regular release cadence than readers of some other popular fantasy books.
Turns out, a conveniently color-coded social hierarchy lends itself not just to timely social commentary, but also to the bones of a terrific board game.
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