Gunn's approach to Creature Commandos is old hat by now, even to superhero movie watchers: The group of C-list weirdos you have to Google to even figure out if you know them from somewhere are forced to do shady superhero stuff for a shady government operative.
What might be most remarkable about Creature Commandos' first season is that it's pretty much a better - and more faithful - Suicide Squad story than The Suicide Squad, Gunn's 2021 blockbuster.
But that would be speculation. What I'm comfortable saying without a doubt, is that a good part of what Creature Commandos work is the format. Stories like this just hit better when serialized.
Creature Commandos promised a top (i.e., bottom) tier of weirdos. But thanks to its episodic format and one efficient and effective structural decision, the Commandos were better realized than any of their Squad predecessors in either films.