Obsidian's new RPG, Avowed, officially launches on February 18, attracting fans with its character, Kai. Voiced by Brandon Keener, known for his portrayal of Garrus Vakarian in Mass Effect, Kai is a charming rogue and the player's first companion. Players have appreciated the nostalgic connection, especially as some dialogue includes references to Garrus, showcasing Obsidian's respect for the Mass Effect series. Beyond the voice connection, Kai possesses a rich personality and a compelling backstory, serving as a loyal ally in the game.
Kai is a coastal aumaua and the first main party member you meet in Avowed. He's a sexy fish man who's a bit rogueish, with a suave voice.
Obsidian's writers are clearly Mass Effect fans, because they include a cheeky reference to Garrus in some of Kai's dialogue.
It's a fun bit of connective tissue, but Kai is a great character separate from sharing a voice with Garrus, with a depth of personality.
Any Mass Effect fan will recognize this voice as Brandon Keener, the actor behind turian vigilante Garrus Vakarian from the original trilogy.