Mutant Football League 2 Predicts Super Bowl Score... Sort Of

As Super Bowl LIX approaches with the Kansas City Chiefs facing off against the Philadelphia Eagles, the Mutant Football League attempted to predict the outcome through a simulation featuring the Karcass City Creeps and Killadelphia Evils. In a chaotic, bloody matchup, the Creeps, led by quarterback Hatrick Myhomies, triumphed in overtime, mirroring a past game’s excitement. While historical simulations by Madden have varied in accuracy, the playful and outrageous nature of the Mutant Football League's approach captivated fans, offering a humorous take on football predictions in the lead-up to the championship event.
In one of the bloodiest, most bone-crunching Mayhem Bowls to ever take place over, the Karcass City Creeps, led by future Hall of Maim quarterback, Hatrick Myhomies, beat the Wailen Hurtz lead Killadelphia Evils in a game that bled into overtime.
The game gave millions of viewers around the world a hefty dose of deja vu as the Creeps came from behind to take the win just as they did two years ago.
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