Conan O'Brien, appearing as an animated version of himself, humorously announced, "It's such an honor to be with you all for the series finale of The Simpsons. I knew I was the right man for the job because I've hosted the last episode of three of my own shows and counting... Well, it's true. Fox has decided to end the Simpsons." His tongue-in-cheek presentation set the stage for a mix of confusion and laughter, playfully manipulating viewers' expectations.
The episode titled 'Bart's Birthday' cleverly showcased Bart experiencing his 11th birthday in a premise that felt fitting for a series finale. However, it ultimately revealed the absurdity of the long-running premise that Bart could never age. This joke about timelessness is central to the identity of The Simpsons, emphasizing the irony of a finale for characters who don't age and who's status has been questioned by networks for years.
O'Brien's commentary also highlighted a humorous aspect concerning the show's history, revealing that the original cuts of early episodes were thought of as potential series finales. He mentioned how the script made fun of the idea of wrapping everything up with clichéd endings, including the long-standing concept of Bart aging—a joke that resonates well with the audience who has followed the show through the decades.
The episode left viewers puzzled as it played into the casual viewing habits surrounding the show. It was both a commentary on the nature of television longevity and a satirical jab at modern-day reliance on AI, further blurring the lines between what is real and scripted entertainment, all while reminding the audience that Bart would remain forever 10, reinforcing the show's quirky status.