Two notable skateboarding games, OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome, are no longer for sale on Steam and Xbox after their developer Roll7 was shut down. Although they are still available on PlayStation and Nintendo, concerns arise regarding their future following Take-Two Interactive's sale of Private Division. Following significant layoffs, Take-Two publicly acknowledged the closings and the transfer of rights to a new buyer, raising questions about the status of older game titles like those from Roll7 and their potential re-releases.
In May 2024, Take-Two reported that it would close Roll7 and Kerbal Space Program 2 developer Intercept Games and lay off the vast majority of Private Division staff.
OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome are no longer available to buy from either Steam or the Xbox Store, leaving only PlayStation and Nintendo stores for availability.
Take-Two admitted to the closure of both studios and stated that they had sold Private Division to a mystery bidder, which complicates the situation for the games.
The buyer for Private Division is a Texas private equity firm, intending to take over the portfolio, but the fate of older titles remains uncertain.