Micro-wineries in Cyprus hope to give the world's oldest named wine a comeback

The Independent focuses on providing reliable journalism on pressing topics like reproductive rights, climate change, and the influence of Big Tech. The outlet emphasizes the importance of ground reporting to ensure balanced perspectives in today's divided political landscape. It offers unrestricted access to its reporting to uphold the belief that quality journalism should be available to everyone. The article also highlights Commandaria, the oldest named wine, which is experiencing a renaissance as Cypriot micro-wineries revive its production and capitalize on its rich historical narrative.
‘We know how important it is to parse out the facts from the messaging’ highlights our commitment to providing nuanced reporting that resonates with all sides of the political spectrum while ensuring access to quality journalism for everyone. This mission extends to covering urgent issues like reproductive rights and climate change as well as exposing financial dealings within Big Tech, further solidifying our role in critical narrative building at a pivotal moment in US history.
Cyprus’ Commandaria, acclaimed in ancient times, is the world’s oldest named wine. Despite its historical significance, it has struggled on the global stage. However, micro-wineries in Cyprus aim to revive its production by leveraging its storied past and traditional winemaking methods, hoping to attract global interest and elevate the wine's status in the competitive market.
Read at www.independent.co.uk