Chloe Caldwell's 'Women' is a remarkable novel that tells the story of an unnamed female narrator who embarks on her first romantic relationship with a woman named Finn. Initially published in 2014, it received a modest reception, only to gain recognition years later. Recently reissued, the book resonates powerfully within LGBTQ+ circles, revealing the tumultuous and chaotic emotions associated with a life-altering love that also turns toxic. Its re-emergence highlights a trend of rediscovering underrated literary works, captivating readers with its unapologetic exploration of queer identity and relationships.
"Women is demented—which I say as high praise. I read it in a single, frenetic gulp, alone in a Manhattan bar, desperate to finish it before meeting a friend."
"When it was first published in 2014, it made a splash—it was praised by Lena Dunham—but a very small one. It was out of print for years…"