The Mars Volta's Cedric Bixler-Zavala blasts Linkin Park for "not thoroughly vetting" new singer's Scientology ties

If you're not going to speak out against the human and child trafficking cult in which you are apart [sic] of and in which you enable by remaining silent on the crimes you know about then you have no right to fill the shoes of Chester Bennington, a true advocate.
I do care that you didn't once mention that you are a member of a child and human trafficking cult that covers up the abuses and rapes of CHILDREN and adults. I do care that your parents work for OSA (the office of special affairs) of the cult of Scientology which have been ordering attacks on me and my family.
Armstrong responded with a vague statement saying she once considered Masterson 'a friend' and attended one of his early court hearings as an 'observer,' but ultimately 'misjudged him.'
Carnell-Bixler criticized Armstrong for not speaking out against Scientology, expressing her concerns that Armstrong participates in the intimidation of survivors and that silence about such matters is complicity.
Read at Consequence