How to Start a War Over Taiwan

Catastrophic wars can start in peripheral places: Sarajevo, for the First World War; Gleiwitz, on the German-Polish border, for the Second...Pottinger was the Asia director on the National Security Council under Donald Trump, and so his opinions are worth paying attention to.
According to their estimates, more than ten thousand Americans could be killed in action in just three weeks of combat. The cost in Chinese and Taiwanese lives, both civilians and soldiers, would presumably be much tension with his penchant for making deals with dictators.
The contributors to 'The Boiling Moat' are not MAGA types, either; they're a mixture of military mavens, including a Japanese admiral and a former contractor for U.S. Special Operations Command, and hawks for democracy, such as Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former NATO secretary-general.
Xi Jinping has avowed that 'unification of the motherland' is the 'essence' of his campaign to 'rejuvenate the Chinese nation,' and has indicated that he is prepared to use military force.
Read at The New Yorker