21 Moments Where People Got The "Gut Feeling" That Something Was Wrong - And Were Right

The chilling feeling that something is just, well, wrong can come at any time, and as I've come to learn, should never be ignored.
'Not as dramatic as some of these, but I was once waiting at a red light. The light turned green but for some reason, I didn't pull out right away. A few seconds later, a car came up on my left and blew through the red. If I had pulled out when my light turned green, I would have been T-boned.'
'He started to pick up the pace toward me when we rounded the corner of a building and there were two male students around 200 feet away. They turned our direction and he slowed upon seeing them and lowered his voice, saying he wanted to 'show me something' and that he had weed he wanted to sell me. I yelled 'not interested' and turned and sprinted back to my dorm, going around to the back door and making sure he hadn't followed me.'
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