An erotic Poussin painting and an early version of the Statue of Liberty: our pick of the November sales

This early work by Nicholas Poussin was initially rejected by experts, in part because of its racy subject matter. The eroticism and looming violence in the painting's depiction of a nude nymph being disturbed by satyrs seemed too far removed from the classical, detached style of Poussin's later work.
Researchers reconsidered it after the publication in 2017 of an article about Poussin's other erotic paintings from around this time, and it will be included in the upcoming Poussin catalogue raisonné by Pierre Rosenberg.
A model of the famous French-made symbol of the US is hitting the auction block in Paris. The terracotta maquette is an earlier version of Liberty Enlightening the World.
This version differs slightly from the statue in New York harbour—instead of holding a tablet referencing the Declaration of Independence, the maquette holds in its hands a broken chain that represents the end of slavery in the US.
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