Dear Abby: Maybe I overreacted in defending my new lady

The letter highlights the struggles of a widower who has begun a new relationship after the death of his wife. While his younger son supports his decision to move on, his older son reacts negatively, causing a rift in their relationship. The widower feels hurt by his son's behavior, expressing frustration at the lack of understanding from his children regarding his need for companionship. In response, advice is given suggesting that while the father's response may have been harsh, the son's reaction was also inappropriate, encouraging the man to celebrate his new chapter in life.
You may have been too harsh when you said what you did to your son, but he was far out of line when he caused a scene at the mention of your lady friend.
You loved and cared for his mother as long as she was on this earth. You were a great husband and partner, and you don't owe anyone an apology for wanting to live your life to the fullest.
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