Devastated by war': Ukraine's battle scars in pictures

Vic Bakin, a self-taught photographer from Kyiv, has photographed queer communities and subcultures in Ukraine for years. With the onset of war, his work transformed; many subjects became soldiers, prompting Bakin to reflect deeply on loss and resilience through his photography. His new book, 'Epitome,' combines earlier images with recent ones taken in war-damaged areas of Ukraine, created under challenging conditions. The project serves as a meditation on both personal and collective trauma within a ravaged landscape, aiming to express devastation through various evocative images.
The process of making the palm-sized prints became, for me, a contemplative search for meaning in a wartime reality.
Despite shooting rolls and rolls of film of houses devastated by war, my personal goal was to convey the feeling of devastation and loss through other imagery.
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