He's A Cartoon. The Love She Feels Is Real.

Fictosexuality is an identity where individuals are exclusively attracted to fictional characters, often belonging to the asexual/aromantic spectrum. A subreddit with 18,000 members indicates it's not as uncommon as perceived. Individuals like Cait, who openly identify as fictosexual and share their experiences on platforms like TikTok, face stigma and skepticism from the broader community. The rise of AI chatbots featuring fictional characters may further shape the perception and acceptance of this identity. As fictosexuality gains awareness, it invites both understanding and criticism within LGBTQ+ discussions.
"I just want to be there, be a friend for the people who follow me, be a friend for other fictosexuals."
"I’ve gotten a lot of angry people saying that I’m just making up the whole label of fictosexuality - which I did not invent..."
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