Keith Bunin, a writer with experience at Pixar and HBO, is adapting the bestselling children's novel 'The Thing About Jellyfish' into a theatrical production at Berkeley Repertory Theatre. The story follows Suzy, a 7th grader grappling with the death of her best friend Franny, whom she believes died from a jellyfish sting. The adaptation, directed by Tyne Rafaeli, explores themes of loss, understanding, and the nuances of childhood relationships, revealing deeper contexts as both creator and protagonist seek to understand their worlds.
"I took those lessons I learned very seriously. The great thing about working at Pixar is that they are not making children's films, but films for everyone."
"The Thing About Jellyfish is making its world premiere, driven by some heavy muscle and Berkeley Rep's resources, tapping into Suzy’s exhaustive accumulation of jellyfish knowledge."