Kevin Young and Deborah Garrison Discuss A Century of Poetry in The New Yorker

In 2025, The New Yorker marks its 100th anniversary by releasing a special anthology titled 'A Century of Poetry in The New Yorker, 1925-2025.' This compilation aims to capture the evolution and significance of the magazine's poetry contributions over the decades. Deborah Garrison, a respected poet and editor at Knopf, played a pivotal role in the anthology's development, collaborating with Kevin Young to discuss its themes and insights, emphasizing the magazine's lasting impact on American literature and poetry.
This year, The New Yorker turns one hundred years old, and, to celebrate the occasion, we're publishing an anthology: A Century of Poetry in The New Yorker, 1925-2025.
Deborah Garrison, a poet and an editor at Knopf, who worked closely with The New Yorker on this exciting project, joins Kevin Young to discuss the anthology.
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