'It's normal,' I reminded them. 'The doctor said it might take a few days.' They didn't question me, and we laughed about my new 'cankles.' I thanked them for the takeout they'd picked up earlier, and we hugged goodnight.
When I looked down at my feet and ankles, the swelling had grown worse. I tapped my husband, who was somewhere in between awake and a new-parent haze of sleep. 'Something doesn't feel right,' I said and asked if he still had the blood pressure cuff his mother, a neonatologist, had given him a few weeks earlier.
When the numbers on the monitor appeared, a mixed look of confusion and concern swept across his face. 'I think you should call your doctor,' he said, now cradling our son. 'This seems really high.'
I had experienced migraines in the past, but this one felt different. It felt laborious and burned when I inhaled, but I chalked it up to new mom anxiety.