Now gen AI has stopped telling us to glue cheese to pizza, it's bland as a margherita | Tim Adams

The article reflects on the impact of generative AI on how we receive and process information, comparing it to the simplistic nature of thoughts. It critiques the AI’s tendency to provide oversimplified summaries, stripping away the complexities that make knowledge rich and meaningful. This not only diminishes our engagement with information but also mirrors the broader cultural context, where the depth of poetry and human expression is at risk of being overshadowed by superficial interpretations. The discussion extends into literature, suggesting a need for revitalizing English nationalism through a re-engagement with poets who offer substance.
When the function was launched last year in haste, it came up with silly advice about gluing cheese to pizza. There are fewer glitches now, because the AI worked out that it should pay no heed to satire.
Increasingly, therefore, you get an executive summary of the world, with all interesting complications removed. One result is that every idea begins to have less awkward substance.
At a time when English nationalism is in urgent need of radical rescue from the flag-botherers of Reform UK, such a scheme might not be a bad idea.
The downside of Wordsworth is that, far from writing exclamatory poems in praise of his dinner, he mostly restricted his diet to porridge oats in vinegar, a combo unlikely to pull in the punters.
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