"I'm 54. Overall, I feel fine. I'm still joyful, agile, and have a sense of humor. I'm still finding meaning and fulfillment in the little things. I'm still feeling grateful and blessed. I still laugh as often as possible, even when I'm home alone. But the cognitive understanding that I have more years behind me than ahead of me freaks me out a bit. Where did all those years go?"
"I'm 67. My weight and all my other metrics are in the 'average' zone, except for my resting heart rate, which is 38. I row a lot, and I sleep well. I drink a bit, but I'm careful because as I've aged, I've become very sensitive to alcohol... I lost my (very fit) wife six years ago, and her sudden illness shocked me. Quite apart from the grief and tragedy, it made me super-aware of my mortality. What that means is that I now plan accordingly."