People Are Sharing The Medical Mysteries About Their Bodies That Only, Like, .00001% People Have

I have beaded hair. Everyone's hair is coated in a layer of protein, but in my hair, that protein is constricted in certain places, making each strand look covered in little beads. You don't notice it when you look at me, but if you're really examining my hair closely, you will.
I have nocturnal lagophthalmos. Basically, I sleep with my eyes open. People who have seen me sleep have been creeped out and said I look like something from a horror movie.
I have Ehlers-Danlos, which makes me very flexible. I did the school talent show in middle school as 'The Human Pretzel.' I can put my legs behind my head or cross my legs and get up and walk on my knees. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that stretching my body this way was doing damage to veins in my neck, and I ended up having a stroke at 27.
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