"Climate action needs way better vibes," said Urban Ocean Lab co-founder Ayana Elizabeth Johnson in a New York Times interview earlier this year. It's not hard to look at What If We Get It Right? as Johnson's foray into correcting that aspect of the debate around climate change. Her new book offers readers a number of ways to think about what the future might hold, and features contributions from thinkers as varied as Bill McKibben, Marge Piercy and Kate Marvel.
If you only know Franz Nicolay from his work as a member of The Hold Steady, you've only experienced a fraction of his artistic output. Both as a solo artist and a member of multiple bands, Nicolay has spent decades as a working musician - and that's before factoring in the multiple books he's written. Band People is his latest, and it's a candid look at the lives of musicians who don't spend as much time in the spotlight - all conveyed with a virtuoso's touch.
Spend enough time reading the news in 2024, and you'll eventually find yourself reading about the Singularity, biohacking or advanced research into human longevity. It can be dizzying to consider what's likely and what's more speculative about these reports. Cue Texas A&M professor Adam R. Rosenthal, whose new book puts the search for immortality into a context that's both new and timeless.