I have a cross necklace that I like to wear. I was wearing it one day when my daughter was about 5. She started yelling, 'Take it off, Mommy, take it off!' When I asked her why, she said, 'The lady in the corner REALLY doesn't like it!' Just then, there was an audible thump from the corner of the room. My daughter and I froze. I took it off immediately. To this day, I'm scared to wear the necklace in that room!
In our teens, my younger brother and I bussed tables at a fancy restaurant across town during the summer. On one of the busiest nights, the manager offered us extra hours and a free dinner to stay later and help clean. Being so young and naive, we happily agreed... By the time I said, 'Not me!' he'd slammed on the brakes. We both looked around to see what crossroad we'd reached. We looked to the right and found ourselves right in front of the cemetery!