'The Penguin' Serves Cobb's Salad Days

Oswald Cobb has manipulated countless people on his way to becoming one of the most powerful figures in Gotham's criminal underworld. Beneath all of his lies and deceptions, Oz always plants kernels of truth to sell his stories to even his most cynical listeners.
The very first story that Oz tells in The Penguin comes in the opening minutes of the pilot, as he tells Alberto Falcone about Rex Calabrese, an old-school gangster who was something of a local hero when Oz was a kid. Oz sounds so reverent as he recounts how Rex was celebrated that it's clear to even the blundering Alberto that it's Oz's dream to be remembered in a similar way.
In the penultimate episode of the season, 'Top Hat,' The Penguin travels back in time to explore Oz's childhood. Oz and Sofia are finally set to go head-to-head as the season comes to an end, reestablishing who they are, connecting their pasts to the present.
In the episode-opening flashback, we can see some of the finer details of Oz's childhood, including a glimpse of Rex Calabrese and his crew in action as they toss a man out of his deli.
Read at The Ringer