Briana Loewinsohn's graphic memoir, 'Raised by Ghosts,' explores the poignant themes of teenage loneliness and the aspects of friendship and art. The narrative is set in the 1990s across Berkeley, Oakland, and El Cerrito, reflecting on the complexities of adolescence. Through handwritten notes, Loewinsohn articulates a desire for connection amidst feelings of isolation, emphasizing the sense of belonging that notes, and by extension, friendships can evoke. The memoir resonates deeply with those who experienced similar cultural touchstones while growing up during that era. It also highlights how art can serve as a bridge during formative years.
"This is not a love story. It is a love letter." Briana Loewinsohn's graphic memoir captures the teenage loneliness and the transformative power of friendship and art.
"[The other kids] all seem to understand how to be in the world in a way that I do not... They get it." Loewinsohn reflects on the challenges of fitting in.
"Notes make us feel ... like we have a friend with us when really we are surrounded by zombies. ... I can't imagine how lonely I'd feel without them."